The Green Mountain RSVP (GMRSVP) will be working with the Springfield Warming Shelter, located at the North Springfield Baptist Church.
Green Mountain RSVP seeking volunteers
Love driving? Enjoy visiting with friends? Would you like to see everyone in your town have enough to eat? Do you want to help a student succeed in school? Maybe you’d like to help the Red Cross at a local blood drive. Or, maybe you have another idea about how you’d like to help. Let’s talk about it. Call Corey Mitchell at the Green Mountain RSVP Windsor County office, (802) 674-4547, and find out how you can help.
Green Mountain RSVP Volunteer Program of Windsor County recruits, matches and supports volunteers
55 and older. We match people who want to make an impact in their community through local nonprofits who need help. Last year, we worked with 22 nonprofits, our volunteers contributed over 4,700 hours, with a total economic impact of $104,555 to Windsor County. For every dollar we get from local funding, we give back $13 in volunteer contribution by supporting programs that provide transportation and meals to seniors. Your contribution will make a lasting impact on our community.

GMRSVP to work with Springfield Warming Shelter
The Green Mountain RSVP (GMRSVP) will be working with the Springfield Warming Shelter, located at the North Springfield Baptist Church. Volunteers can work with the Springfield Warming Shelter in a variety of ways to help with the success of the program.
The Springfield Warming Shelter provide a warm, safe place for people to sleep during the winter months. All volunteers are trained and supervised by the shelter staff. Last winter, more than one-third of the people who used the shelter worked with local agencies and obtained permanent housing.
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GMRSVP places volunteers over 55 years old with local non-profit organizations who need the experience and skills of the volunteers. GMRSVP is sponsored by the Southwestern Vermont Council on the Aging. RSVP programs are part of the Senior Corps, supported by the Corporation for National and Community Services (CNCS).
If you would like to become involved with GMRSVP or help out at the shelter, please contact Corey Mitchell at (802) 674-4547 or
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