Sunday, October 30, 2016

Missing Weathersfield teen found safe

After being reported missing several weeks ago, Weathersfield teenager Autumn Sanville has been found safe, according to a missing persons organization.


  1. Things don't add up ? 1 liar + 1 liar = 2 liars.
    Why in such a small town as Springfield are young teens skipping (leaving) school ?

  2. Now the witch hunt will start.
    I could type up a list of things that look wrong, I don't know the people involved.

    The government agents aren't happy when they are lied to but they should just walk away from this one and let it go so the people involved can try and heal and move on with life instead of making big drama out of it and a court case.

  3. this girl wasted a lot of police offer's time and money,she should be held accountable for the cost of this investigation

  4. She would just start a GoFundMe page...

  5. Hope she doesn't miss her next school peroid.

  6. Young people make mistakes. She is a product of a screwed up society. The American Culture is failing.
    Murders, suicides, drugs and on it goes are caused by a sick money hungry society. The old people who created this sick culture should be held accountable.

    1. Not "old baby boomer" people, it is people her parents age, its the "spare the rod, spoil the child" era. Grade school teachers should be given ping pong paddles to get em straightened up. High schoolers should get a swift kick in the arrse. I am glad I am a boomer. Things were very different back then as far as discipline. Gee I even graduated with 4 years in engineering college.

    2. The murder rate is the lowest it has been in 50 years so toss that one out, but you maybe onto something about the people who created this generation of kids. Interesting discussion. Suicides are at an all time high, personal accountability seems to be at an all time low.

    3. Whoever created this sick culture, your generation has thoroughly embraced it. Grow up and stop blaming others for your bad actions.

    4. That's right 3:14. Theirs is a generation of whiners. Think they should get everything for nothing, spoiled. Think they can stay at home with mom and dad until age 40. Think that staring into a smartphone for 8 hours a day is called making a living, they even walk around looking down at it. Texting is their form of communication. Even their music stinks, bunch of whinny brats.

  7. chuck gregory11/2/16, 10:37 AM

    Situations like this one seem to bring out the best in Springfield's residents.

  8. Sounds like a Trump Concert here. The Debbie downers/naysayers are always so unnecessarily depressing...


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