Sounds of Johnny Cash rock Springfield prison
Posted: Oct 28, 2016 1:59 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 28, 2016 7:12 PM EDT
By Eliza LarsonCONNECT
It's that unmistakable twang. Sound that originated in the musical mind of Johnny Cash. Sound that George Richard and his band are trying to capture.
"No one will be like Johnny Cash or June Carter Cash or the Tennessee Three. But we're trying to relive his sound and keep it alive," said Richard.
Last spring, Richard formed the Johnny Cash Tribute Show. He takes the mic up front as if he were the man in black. He's backed up by a June Carter-like singer and other musicians. The Vermont-based group walks the line between giving their audience a good show and honoring the music and legacy of Johnny Cash.
"He's a common, for the working man, for the railroad people. For the prisoners," said Richard.
And that's who they performed for Thursday night.
About 50 inmates from the Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield turned out for Richard and his band. According to prison superintendent, Edward Adams, some were familiar with Cash's music.
Others, not so much.
"We actually have a very young population. Our oldest being 90 years old to our youngest being about 18," said Adams.
The Springfield prison currently has 320 inmates. Not all of them were eligible to attend the concert.
For some of those who could attend freedom isn't far away.
"In a sense this is a way of keeping them connected to their community. Keep them thinking ahead and not behind," said Adams.
Adams says the prison depends on volunteers for special programs like religious education and that a concert is a real treat.
This is the third prison the Johnny Cash Tribute Show has performed at in Vermont. And they're hoping it's not their last.
Eventually, they hope to perform at every prison in the state.
"That Johnny cash sound here at this prison. It's like a treat for them," said Richard.
Channel 3 was not allowed to ask the inmates if they enjoyed the show, but telling by the toe tapping they seemed to be having a rocking time.
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