Friday, November 4, 2016

Video: Cris Ericson - Roadside Marijuana Testing

Cris Ericson, candidate for U.S. Senate. SAPA TV video

Biographical Sketch:
Cris Ericson graduated with a B.A. Degree from UMass/Amherst
and also received credits from UCLA in Workers' Rights, Industrial
Relations & the ADA, taught by EEOC Attorney Ralph Fertig.
Cris crewed on a fishing ketch sailing 2,400 miles from San Diego
to Hawaii when the Captain and other crew went below deck to seemingly
smoke pot and get stoned. Cris had not been informed that there would be
drugs on board. She became temporary Captain by default when a
storm came up with Cris alone at the ship's wheel in control,
and 20 foot waves crashing on deck. Cris decided that marijuana
should be legal so people don't conceal it. 
Postition Statements:
(1) to make marijuana legal under federal law; 
(2) for Tour Bus
parking lots with bathrooms in cute, small
Vermont towns to increase business for Vermont artists,
bakeries, antique sellers, etc.;
(3) to bring non-violent federal prisoners
to Vermont to work for low income senior citizens who
want to stay in their homes and need home care;
(4) to create a free college education website
by scanning all text books and tests
for which the copyrights have expired,
and provide funding for federal court clerks
to provide testing days
and issue certificates of education
for each course passed;
(5) to restore all of your 2nd amendment rights
to own guns;
(6) to require all non-profits and
universities be treated the same as persons and
reveal their bank accounts, assets and foreign bank
accounts under penalty of perjury
like persons applying for food stamps.
No entity receiving federal funding
will be allowed to pay any employee
more than the equivalent pay rate
for U.S. Government employees;
(7) to make Lake Champlain
a drinking water reservoir allowing
canoes, kayaks, sailboats, solar powered ferries, row boats and
swimmers, but out-lawing motor boats and outlawing dumping of
treated sewage into the Lake.
Re-route treated sewage to industrial uses
and south to the Atlantic Ocean. One-third of
Vermonters draw their drinking water from Lake Champlain.
The number one cause of death in Vermont is cancer;
(8) to stop the F-35 strike fighter jets
from being based in Chittenden County
because they are designed to be dual capable to carry nuclear
(9) to stop any type of pipeline from
being built under Lake Champlain because one-third of Vermonters
draw their drinking water from the lake and all pipelines burst sometimes;
(9) to prohibit any non-elected federal official
from making any rules and regulations
which can end you up in court over your rights to your property,
children, liberty, health care, etc.;
(10) to allow all certified teachers to be
independent contractors and home-school local children at
the rate per child that the State, which receives federal funding,
claims is the cost of education per child;
(11) to build wood cabins with solar panel roofs
in Vermont forests near streams for homeless
War Veterans using prison labor;
(12) to provide low income recipients of telephone "lifeline" benefits
with wifi and broadband to encourage online employment;
(13) to end the "Benefits Trap" such as not allowing anyone
on SSI to save over $2,000.
so they can't buy a reliable car to get to work;
(14) to demand taxpayers own 50% of the profits for all
prescription drugs they pay for the research for;
(15) to demand taxpayers own 50% of the profits of sales
of F-35 jets to foreign allies because taxpayers paid for
the research and design;
(16) to require a transparent EB-5 program
where anyone can post their idea for a new business
on the government website in a list that foreigners
can read;
(17) to require all medical schools receiving
federal funding to require students work for
government run free clinics to pay back the taxpayers
for their investment in education.
(18) to out-law all state "prescription drug monitoring plans"
which are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and treat
patients like criminals on probation.


  1. Wow! This video is enough to scare the bejesus out of any young person using pot. Could be a very effective anti drug campaign example.

    1. chuck gregory11/7/16, 8:39 AM

      She means well, but your analysis is spot on.

  2. I'm having a hard time figuring out if these are real policy positions or simply a parody. I don't believe I have ever heard a more rambling, incoherent set of plans in my entire life. Someone get a net!

  3. If Pat Leahy outlined the same set of proposals/platform,no one would bat an eyelash,they would be embraced and he would be re-elected handily.Go figure...! It is not the message, it is the messenger,I guess. I would support a few of her ideas.

  4. chuck gregory11/8/16, 3:54 PM

    No, J, Leahy would be laughed off the stage if he proposed #'s 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15 and 17 for a broad number of reasons.

    Just to take one example, even if Lake Champlain were entirely free of industrial, agricultural, municipal and domestic runoff, it would not be potable; the water wold still have to be treated before consumption, or else people would be likely to die from illnesses such as typhoid or giardia (beaver fever). However, as you point out, other ideas are very worthwhile, and it is indeed the messenger rather than the message that gets our attention.


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