Friday, January 27, 2012

Noted skateboarder jailed

A man who once crafted and marketed his own brand of skateboards in Springfield was arrested and jailed after police caught him skateboarding in the Shopping Plaza before dawn Thursday morning.

Richard Salzinger, age 33, was arrested for Violation Conditions of Release after officers were called to the Plaza for suspicious activity outside the Shaws Supermarket around 4:30. Reportedly, Salzinger had been drawn there at such an early hour by a distraught friend who had said he was ready to hurt himself.

Salzinger was lodged at Southern State Correction Facility on "No Bail/Hold until Sober" and was expected to appear in court later in the day to answer to the charge.

Known to many in town as "Skater Rick", Salzinger produced hand crafted skateboards here for a number of years. Each was custom designed and made-to-order under his brand name "VUBE".  The brand was familiar to skateboard enthusiasts throughout the nation.

Photo shows the offender engaged in previous suspicious activity.


  1. The dude was drunk and screwing around in the plaza at 430AM. The editor makes it look like he did nothing wrong. There are signs that say no bike riding, skateboarding or loitering on every beam or upright in the plaza.

  2. nice to see springfield is cracking down on the worst of the criminal element. skateboarding is the gateway activity leading to bmx biking and mountain climbing. as a society we need to crack down on these folks and get them back into sitting in front of video games.

    my neighbors garden shed was broken into and my other neighbor had the catalytic converter cut off his vehicle while parked in his driveway. my battery and gas tank were stolen from by boat but at least we caught this skateboarder. skateboards are bad.

    1. OMG, too funny, love it! Sorry about your property, however.

    2. I love how they arrest some dude on a skate baord... But when my daughters mom has weed in her house they don't do any thing.. they also didn't do any thing about the pedophile. Living with her. Or the guy who beats his own kids.... Wtf springfield pd are you all nazis

  3. Your tax dollars hard at work Springfield! SPD, Concentrate on those victimless crimes and those people going 5 mph over the limit on their way to work and leave the crack dealers unscathed. No wonder that town is vortex of poverty and crime. Smart and creative people in Springfield, get out while you still can. There's a whole world out here.

  4. Pull your head out of your butt people. Arrested for violation of conditions release clearly he has had run in's with the law before (you think). The fact that the idiot was skateboarding in the plaza is not the issue. A plaza with multiple robberies and breaks in's. Yes I want the PD to check out anyone wondering around there at that time, I am pretty sure he was not waiting for Shaw's to open. You people piss and moan if the PD does something or does not do something. Wake up and smell the coffee!

  5. Right , but is that actually such a big issue that he needed to be arrested? Come on! A simple hey go home and sober up would have worked just as well. Nobody trusts the police because of stupid stuff like that. We have to have trust in our own force and see that they use discretion in something non-violent, no offensive and certainly not unlawful. You have to draw the line somewhere.

  6. Sober up and go home? would you want the PD saying that to someone strung out on drugs? Just because alcohol Is legal does that make the abuse of okay. When you say the PD needs to earn trust is that done by selective enforcement?

  7. What part of VIOLATION OF CONDITIONS OF RELEASE dont you idiots understand? He is one of the least to worry about I agree. However, if he was outside your house at 430AM drunk and skateboarding what would YOU do? I would call the cops! So wouldn't you.
    Some of you are so two faced. In an earlier post people were whining about the cops never do anything but when they do you cry as well. Get a life and stay out of trouble. They are doing their jobs, are you? DB

  8. I wouldn't call the cops if someone was skateboarding in front of my house at 4:30am. If he was trying to break in to my home, yes. If he were trying to get into my car, yes. Skateboarding outside my house, No. It isn't the fact the cops aren't doing there job, it is the fact they DO their job and harass the ones that aren't doing anything but let the real criminals walk. DUH! Then post it on their facebook page for everyone to slander and make fun of. What kind of police force are they? And the followers on that page are just as bad. Next thing you know we will all be arrested for sitting on our own porches and doing absolutely nothing.

  9. hahaha !!!

    does anyone know what VUBE means ???

    look it up in the urban ductionary.

    glad you got us all talking about it !!

    It's my favorite subject !!

  10. No, no, you couldn't be further from the truth in this case. Springfield's most prominent skateboarder is a Godly man. Here in his own words:

    Keeping it real through and through, while retaining the V-ictorious U-nderstanding B-elieving E-ternal. "Live for the Lord, die on the board"...

    1. O.K. LET'S PLAY this Blog gets edited and has no free speach

      where did Rick Go???.


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