Saturday, February 25, 2012

News from Springfield On The Move

The latest word from the non-profit organization whose mission is to revitalize Springfield's downtown.

Downtown Parking Study Complete!

During the Summer and Fall last year, we partnered with the town to undertake the evaluation of Downtown parking. The study, now complete, has helped us to understand why and where people park, and provided good information on parking space inventory.

A couple of study's recommendations include dedicating additional longer term parking for people who work downtown, and taking steps to improve signage related to parking. The SOM parking committee plans to work with the town to implement study recommendations as soon as the town's select board agenda frees up a bit. It is generally understood that parking for most Main Streets or Downtowns can be a challenge, our goal is not a magic wand solution but rather a parking "tune up" so that we can make the most of what we have to work with.

Check out the SOM website for additional information and to access the preliminary survey findings and the final Parking Management Plan Report.

VAULT Gallery awarded Main Street Grant 

In conjunction with funding for the USDA, Springfield on the Move recently awarded grant funds to further the VAULT's marketing efforts. Visit their website at:

Market plans for the 3rd Season! The Springfield Community Market 

This SOM sponsored farmers market in downtown will enter it's third year this Summer. Handmade product, homemade foods, local produce with a touch of local music, is like icing on the cake. Vendor sales have reached a high of $18K with as many as sixteen vendors participating, all of this representing micro-business at it's finest.

Visit the market's website to learn more:

Downtown Business Recruitment
Last year we established the business recruitment program working with property owners to fill vacant space, this ongoing work continues. In addition, the recruitment program work group helped to guide the establishment of a loan fund for new businesses with the Main Street Corridor.

Our goal for this loan program is to raise $100K to be able to lend up to $10K to as many as ten businesses. Our fundraising is 80% of the way there, with approximately four loan requests in the pipeline now or soon. For more information about doing business in Downtown Springfield call or e-mail Executive Director, Carol Lighthall, 802-885-1572,

Building Facade Program 

The SOM Design Committee has overseen the development of the building facade program since last year. The program concept has been to work with a "Main Street" architect to establish fresh facade designs for many of the buildings on the Main Street, provided as no cost to the property owner and to establish program resources that can help with having the designs implemented.


Downtown Revitalization - We're in it for the long haul!

Revitalizing Springfield's Downtown doesn't happen overnight and it's an ongoing process. Our work is a mix of small and large undertakings, tangible results and subtle changes, and strategic planning and implementation.

Our work is volunteer and community driven through our committees - Design, Economic Development, Marketing & Promotion and Organization. Our work is further enhanced and leveraged by joining forces with our local organizations and the Town of Springfield.

Get in touch with us at: or 802-885-1527.

Source: Springfield On The Move


  1. If you want to talk about something that is not very effective and tax payers pay for, Springfield on the Move is the perfect example!!! I know they are trying to make a difference, but the ideas and and concepts provided by this organization really seem to be time and money wasters. I do not believe putting up a fake facade over the downtown is going to entice businesses to move here. All they will be doing is covering up the decaying structures. To fix the problem of the dying downtown is going to take a lot more innovation and creativity then putting up a facade and having a weekly farmers market!! Oh and here is something to think about. Springfield on the Move will increase taxes and doesn't really provide new jobs. The Biomass plant you are all complaining about will lower taxes and bring jobs to the community!

    1. Amen to that.

      The obstacle to prosperity in Spfld is like the proverbial 800 lb gorilla in the room. Every business and merchant that operates for a profit knows it all too well. But Spfld On The Dole refuses to publically acknowledge it.

      Instead, we have an agency squander $20K of hard earn, taxpayer money on a logo. A move that has generated nothing, nor will it until the obstacle is addressed. Additionally, Spfld residential taxpayers are not responsible for downtown real estate rejuvenation. Demanding they do so is unacceptable.

      Vote NO for Spfld On The Dole at town meeting.

    2. Agree 100%. SOD (which is a much better acronym for them because it more aptly depicts them for the insidious weeds that they are) is nothing but GOVERNMENT WASTE AND ABUSE. Springfield can't afford to waste $20, much less $20,000 on an abysmally unfocused organization that hasn't a clue or an interest in addrsssing the root causes of Springfield's economic depression. A petty study here and a petty study there. Here a study, there a study... And it all adds up to NOTHING that Springfield doesn't already know - the town is economically devastated and rudderless in trying to establish a cardinal direction for its recovery. The town and its leaders are like an incompetent doctor who treats every malady/injury with another band aid.

    3. Dear You'll Never Be the Next Selectman,
      Please don't just spout off. If you have some constructive suggestion, share it.

      No one is demanding anything. They make a request- it goes through all the procedures every other request for funding does.

      Thank you.

  2. Ms. New Vision, or friend of CL,
    We all know Spfld has a critical mass of parasites that will vote thru every article on the ballot. The bitterness its generated among those of us that work like hell to fuel this rat hole has come to boiling point.
    To prove the point, next year will get the 300 signatures required to put a special article on the ballot. $100K to host the biggest party Spfld has ever seen. Headline rock bands, free beer, dozens of strippers, midget tossing, and Jell-O wrestling. Once on the ballot, its as good as done!

    1. Well, I wish people like you would spend your energy on positive things rather than funneling it into such negativity. Doing all that just to prove a point? How on earth would that possibly benefit the town, the people, or even you? Just to make you feel better? Being "right" isn't always the best thing. Sometimes it takes being "better" to make a difference.
      So, I challenge you to come up with a positive plan for the town, get those same signatures, get the plan on the ballot, and implement it. Wouldn't that be something. You might actually make a difference rather than just spinning in negativity.
      Wishing you all the best.

  3. Ahhhhhh Yes, Springfield. mon.2/28/12, 6:14 PM

    put the plan with the vote annnd vote them all in

    put the lime with the coconut and drrrink them both up

    put the money with S.O.M. wiiiiind up where you begin.

    I said, "DOCTOR, AHAHAHAHH !!!!!! Isn't there anything I can take??.."


  4. SOM may still diminish the knuckle draggers' callouses. There is hope. There must always be hope. - Nicedoggie


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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