Thursday, May 3, 2012

Opinion: Biomass is no renewable panacea

This is an open letter to Rep. Tony Klein of the Vermont House of Representatives. I am writing to inquire about a statement you made that appeared on page 1 of the Rutland Herald last Wednesday, April 25.


  1. Aethelred the Unready5/3/12, 10:36 AM

    Here we go again. Much of the wood that will be consumed by the biomass plant is waste wood that is simply left to rot in the woods. What the biomass plant will provide is not only energy, but a market for blighted trees which are now not economical to remove in order to allow new growth.

    1. Many of which will come from PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS who will be able to avail themselves of this new market and generate some well deserved income from the lands upon which they pay taxes. Here, here!

    2. Aethelred the Unready5/3/12, 11:59 AM

      I agree Anonymous 7:51am...and it will help out a lot of local people who depend on the forest products market for an independent livelihood. There is nothing which says that this has to be bad for the health of our forests, in fact it is likely to help people preserve them. This is a win/win project.

  2. They can come to my yard and help themselves to all of the fallen trees and even some standing ones that are way too tall. I'd be happy to get the yard cleaned up a bit.

  3. You guys couldn't see the sun if it was in front of you.

    1. They'll be able to see the sun once Vermont is a clearcut wasteland, and the sun bakes the earth, and the wind blows away the topsoil, and the legislature has to remove the cows from the state seal because they're all DEAD! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

  4. there are not enough blighted trees in the state of vermont to feed this monster--Do your homework--about 20 cords of wood per hour--hungry monster


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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