Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vt. jobless rate dips to 5.1 percent

Vermont’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for December dipped 0.1 percent from the prior month to 5.1 percent, the state Department of Labor announced Friday.


  1. unemployed and not in your number1/19/13, 10:20 AM

    it's a fake #

    It doesn't include people who want jobs and or to work who don't stand in the unemployment line because of the thurough distate for a system that has failed and is currently run by failing democrats

    1. Huh? Functionally illiterate and complaining you can't find work? Here's a how it shakes out. No one owes you a job. If you want to work bad enough, plenty of unskilled jobs available. Once you have positive references and a stable work history, can search for something better. If plagued with poor references, workman's comp claims, and a history of quitting jobs, you've got exactly what you bargained for. You're poison. No employer will touch you.

    2. How has the system failed you 10:20? Please let us know, we want to hear your story.

      The Republicans.

    3. well 4:35 ..

      every good person I know forgets themselves and their dreams to slave for a vampire like sucker that ultimitly erodes with 100% certanty the actual thing they first believed in working for..

      how is 1 million +++ zombies voting for a puppet gonna help me?

    4. So you're saying that your pride keeps you from working at McDonalds but not to collect welfare.......seems legit

    5. I think he is trying to say he smokes bath salts and sees zombies.

    6. 9:19
      yeah I'm running out the door to work at McDonalds so you can say your system works.. Thank you for heping me see the light. That will help pay for my M.S. 1 step up from prostitution. Or is it ?

      You all look like Zombies to me. Innocently, ignorant, virus carrying dead people who don't know they were murdered by the system, or systematically murdered.
      nO I don't smoke bath salts or your systems approved for sale on Main Street. "salvia"

      I just preform enemas 4 fun.

    7. It is better to EARN money then to leach from the system. There is no job below you. Personally I'd be embarrassed to say I was on welfare. At least at McDonalds you are working.
      That's the problem with people today. You have a high school education and think as soon as you graduate you will be earning a 6 figure salary out of the gate. It's not going to happen sunshine! You need to learn how to crawl before you walk and earn your way to the top. Watch shark tank and listen to the stories of each of the millionaires. None of them started at the top.
      The other issue is laziness, just because your mom or dad was on SSI doesn't mean you should be. I'm sorry being fat is not a disability it's just being fat. I only have 3 fingers on my hand and I work full time. I know someone who has a twisted finger and claims full disability! It is too easy to not work!
      Get off your duff and get to work, even if its at McDonalds or cleaning the crapper at Taco Bell.

    8. must be a baby boomer. you guys helped us alot. trashed my state and my country not to mention the debt you owe us. thanks i appreciate it.

    9. una hamburguesa porfavor

  2. unemployed and not in your number1/19/13, 2:18 PM


    you got me wrong fella. but go ahead and pretend ..


  3. Proud Democrat1/23/13, 4:18 PM

    Thank you for the food stamps.
    May we live long and contribute, once again, a surpluss of our own to offer you and yours who have been so kind.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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