Friday, July 25, 2014

Suspect arrested in connection to Springfield shooting

One of the suspects connected to the shooting that took place in Springfield in June was arrested again Wednesday following a three-hour-long foot chase with police.


  1. Caught stealing pot, now that is a real crime .

  2. Gee, do I have a great crystal ball or what? I predicted nearly three weeks ago on this forum when it was announced that this suspect was being released "on conditions" that his mother would no more be able to control him than the authorities. I think I could make big bucks being a tarrot card reader!

  3. Will someone please keep thus jerk in jail. No bail.

  4. This kid clearly has no fear. He has no respect for authority and he is beginning to realize that no matter what he does, he will be set free. This is a great way to start off your life kid (sarcasm meant). Your future looks dark and you will probably (hopefully) spend the majority of your life in jail (but let's face it, he will always go free until he kills someone). Sad, sad state of affairs.

  5. What a rascal! Surely, judge, he meant no harm! Why not let him go yet again?

  6. $1000.00 bail, I wonder if Judge Carroll posted it for him

  7. Living proof that REEFER MADNESS can happen to even you !!
    The poor kid became CRAZY from the evil weed causing him to run across golf courses and thru the woods. He could have twisted an ankle on the 16 hole or got bug bit by the VT state bird and contracted West Nile or something. Hey don't bogart that and pass it over this way :-)


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