Springfield once again welcomed Santa Claus to town in style a few weeks ago. We are lucky that Carol Lighthall, executive director of Springfield on the Move (SOM), has such close connections with Santa’s elves, otherwise who would help get Main Street ready for him?

Springfield Elves
Submitted by admin on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 3:10pm
Springfield elves clockwise from the top: Cari Lambert, Stephanie Nelson (partially hidden), Alice Emmons, Jocelyn Zezza, Mary May, Amanda Rundle, Dave Hinckley, Lori Claffee, Char Osterlund, and Steve Matush. Missing from photo: Cynthia Martin
Photo Provided
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - Springfield once again welcomed Santa Claus to town in style a few weeks ago. We are lucky that Carol Lighthall, executive director of Springfield on the Move (SOM), has such close connections with Santa’s elves, otherwise who would help get Main Street ready for him?
Carol put out the call for help in preparing downtown for the holiday season. She had all sorts of jobs that needed doing. One of these jobs was to help stuff the bag of goodies that the children would receive. The Springfield Town Democratic Committee stepped up to the plate. A group of nine committee members were joined by two other Springfield volunteers at the SOM office. It took no time at all for this group of community spirited people to get the bags ready for Santa’s arrival in Springfield.
This was but one of the many groups of Springfield residents who volunteer their time to make Springfield a better place. The holiday season is a good time to send out positive thoughts for all the people who serve the town of Springfield. Better yet, why not consider helping out?
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