Friday, April 15, 2016

4-Way Speech Contest

Springfield Rotarian Bob Flint congratulates Springfield High School Senior Ryan Cooney, who won the Club’s recent 4-way Speech Contest.    


  1. Did Bob Flint ever let go of that check? Seems like he is holding onto it pretty tightly and not wanting to really hand it over.

  2. How about you sharing with everyone what YOU have done for Springfield? I'd wager that Bob Flint has done more.

    1. You're right but I'd go even further than that. I'd say Bob has done more for Springfield than the vast majority of people.

  3. Well, he has lined the pockets of some out-of-towners, blown millions of tax dollars, used prison laborers, fixed up buildings that remain almost unused and assisted in trying to poison the local population that finally failed. The list goes on and on... Thanks Bob!

    1. You forgot Board Chair of the Howard Dean Technical Center. An nonelected/self-appointed position. An pseudo educational facility that offers little in the way of pertinent academics and trade skill certification for 21st century industry. Is essentially a job program for unionized teachers.

    2. chuck gregory4/20/16, 9:38 AM

      Bob Flint is one of the very, very few Springfield residents who don't stand around and wait for someone else to tell them how to improve Springfield.

  4. I really wish the blog administrator would just stop allowing posts that are disparaging to people who actually have the best interests of the town at heart. It's insulting and cowardly. Constant whining, crying and cheap shots all over the place. There are a lot of things I don't agree with in how things are in this town, but Bob Flint....? One of the biggest cheerleaders - not an easy task to get businesses to come here, but the guy tries and cares.


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