Friday, April 15, 2016

Emmons and Forguites announce plan to seek re-election to the Vermont House

Springfield State Representatives Alice Emmons and Bob Forguites have announced that they are running for re-election to represent Springfield in the Vermont House of Representatives.



  1. Please Don't. We can't take more uber-liberal policies. Go away now.

  2. Two people that have done great things for Springfield and the state. Don't believe me? Just look around and see what the culmination of many years of hard work by these two has brought Springfield.

    1. Like WHAT?

      This town has been trending into downward spiral since I got here over 10 years ago.
      LOOK at downtown. Look at school scores.

    2. chuck gregory4/21/16, 12:46 PM

      You've only been here ten years? You're still fresh-faced enough to become a pioneer!

      I pitch Springfield on one site as a town for pioneers. We can (and must) make some really big changes, and our biggest mistake is to figure somebody else will tell us what to do.

      The biggest problem with downtown is that we're thinking it can return to the usage of the mid-Sixties. That's thinking inside the box. But we can't think outside the box until we've actually LOOKED outside the box. So, I recommend you start by seeing "Where to Invade Next," which is still playing at the Free Family Cinema downtown (Chad hates it when I say that). And to think of what it's possible for one person to do, be sure to sit through the closing credits: YOU can make a difference!

      As for school scores, they only serve to help testing companies make a profit.

      If you'd like to see what the school problem is, ask Samantha Snyder for the Larry Carbonetti DVD about public education and charter schools.

  3. Interested in challenging? Here's the form you need if you plan to be a major party candidate:

  4. Sorry Anonymous 12:10 PM; in my opinion, this town and state are in desperate need of conservative leadership to the get the ship righted. These two are not my two co-captains!

    1. Sorry that you did not recognize my sarcasm. Obviously the town of Springfield has been destroyed while these two were at the helm.

  5. Exactly. These two worms have turned the town's apple thoroughly rotten. They are emblematic of just how ineffective government has become. And they must both be lacking of any integrity or self respect. Their incompetence and failed governance has decimated the town. The right thing for both to do is walk away NOW!

  6. I'm curious how many of the naysayers who so loudly voice their displeasure with Emmons and Forguites will consider running for those seats. No, wait, I already know the answer. NONE of you will. It's easier for you to sit and complain.

    1. The majority of their critics are already engaged in successful endeavors that require proving themselves every day just to be able to retain their jobs and afford to pay the outlandish taxes that twits like Emmons and Forguites work to increase year after year. Both of these worthless representatives excel at government symbolism over substance, which in the end costs the taxpayers far more than any alleged benefits produced by such political puffery. Springfield would be better off if both Emmons and Forguites just stayed home. They'd do our wallets and pocketbooks far less damage that way!

    2. You do realize, I hope, that if Alice and Bob "just stay home," two other people will be taking their place. Why not you or some of the other "majority of critics"?

      Just think, you might be able to make a change in Montpelier because all of you seem to have all the answers. But no, it's easier to complain. Thank you for proving my point.

    3. chuck gregory4/18/16, 7:56 AM

      That's why their critics post as Anonymous here?

    4. Chuck, one of the reasons I respect your posts is the fact you say what's on your mind and you have the intestinal fortitude to put your name to it.

      I don't always agree with your opinion but I do respect the fact that you don't hide behind an "Anonymous" moniker. It's easy, I suppose, to vent and scream, but the credibility factor takes a nosedive (in my opinion) when someone posts it wearing a cloak of invisibility.

    5. Chuck , why do you sign into facebook as Carla and THEN post : "chuck gregory writes"

      Are you CNN now?

    6. Hey, Petraman7, wait until you're 71 and trying to log onto some Internet social account. I failed with chuck, charles, carl, carlos and then in frustration tried Carla-- which worked. So, I just say Carla is my evil twin. It also saves me from having to put on a calico dress to use the account as Carla...

  7. I honestly have no idea what it is these guys do up in Montpelier for Springfield. It's just like this automatic thing you do at election time, see the ancient name Alice Emmons and check the box. But I have no idea what she really, truly DOES.

    1. Alice manages an embarrassing account of her Montpelier achievements most weeks in the Springfield Reporter. You can note how she's been appointed to useless committees that do nothing to affect economic change here in Springfield. Never in all years has she held her liberal counterparts to task for Vermont and in particular Springfield becoming a poor choice to grow or relocate a business.
      READ THIS:

  8. chuck gregory4/19/16, 6:34 PM

    Always good to hear from you, Ray!

    This newsblog is a swell place to examine Springfield's id, the reptilian portion of our personality which operates pretty much on the impulse of the moment. There are people who comment here who, if their names were known, would lose a lot of the stature they've so carefully maintained all their adult life. They're like Babbit's fellow Boosters (in the book of the same name) who discard all their small-town pieties when they hit the speakeasy during their business trip to the big city. I happen to know one personally-- an extremely nice guy who is generous and helpful to all-- whose comments here range from mere sniping to mean-spirited and ignorant. I think that there might be quite a few more like him, probably using this venue to compensate for being so virtuous the rest of the year.

    Which puts the blogmaster rather in the role of a priest in the confessional: He can track back every commenter, but plainly is under some sacred vow not to either embarrass or extort them.

    All of us can only hope that anyone considering moving to Springfield never, ever encounters this blog. The negative comments very often make it seem that Springfield is just as bad as Winchester, Virginia as depicted in the very depressing (but sometimes morbidly funny) book, "Deer Hunting with Jesus."


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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