Wednesday, February 1, 2017

From Truman to Trump (Extra War, Hold the Peace)

Of all the major actions taken by presidents since 1945, it is surely President Harry Truman’s decision to sign off on the 1947 National Security Act that has triggered the most unremitting, far-reaching and profound blowback for America, its allies and the rest of the world.

President Eisenhower's Farewell Warning: The Military Industrial Complex

Clinton + Obama = Trump 

Outrage About Trump Exposes "Librul" Hypocrisy
The current "librul" outrage about Trump's announced policies is somewhat amusing. Yes, these policies are bad, very bad. Trump is bad. But so was Obama and so is Clinton. Protesting the policies of one while not protesting when the other implemented the same policies is insincere grandstanding.

The Uncanny Similarities Between President Trump And FDR
Trump and Roosevelt: two peas in a pod?


  1. Comparing Trump to FDR is probably the most disgusting thing YET from the alt-right! FDR, aside from ACTUALLY caring about working folks, ACTUALLY PUT PEOPLE TO WORK IMPROVING AMERICA! He got us OUT of the GREAT DEPRESSION, which was caused by THE VERY SAME POLICIES TRUMP WILL ENACT, aka SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS! FDR lead us THROUGH a World War by working WITH our allies, not by insulting and bullying them, like TRUMP! FDR was a sane, reasonable President who gave people hope and inspired confidence in times of crisis; AND THEN DELIVERED! Trump is CREATING CRISIS to serve his own egotistical ends. If you want to compare Trump to a figure from that era, Mussolini would be more accurate!

  2. chuck gregory2/6/17, 2:12 PM

    Maybe not Mussolini so much as Nero, the first of the self-centered Roman emperors whose breadth of intellect matched our Leader's. His record of service to the Empire consists wholly of having had a major part of the capital city go up in flames. Nothing else remains.

    We could, I suppose, honor our Leader by having a flash mob recite "Ozymandias."


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