Thursday, April 13, 2017

Donations needed for student trip    

The River Valley Technical Center is proud to announce that Elijah and Tanner of the Audio Video Production Program won the Gold Medal in Television Production at SkillsUSA, Vermont. As such these students have qualified to represent Vermont at the SkillsUSA National Conference/Competition in Louisville, Kentucky and we are seeking donations to make this amazing opportunity a reality. The RVTC AVP Team needs to raise $4000 total with $2,500 due by May 15th in order to attend Nationals. We would greatly appreciate any size donation that you would be willing to give towards our students’ trip to represent Vermont at the SkillsUSA National Conference. Money raised by this campaign will go towards travel, lodging, and equipment expenses involved with our quest to Louisville, KY

Sponsors who donate $750 or more will receive a short "thank you" video produced by Tanner and Elijah: (Sponsors can use this video on social media to showcase their support of our school and National Skills USA TV Production team).

If you're interested in making a donation over $100 please send a check to:

Attn: Zachary McNaughton
307 South Street
Springfield, VT

Thanks for your support!


  1. How about using their enhanced, high demand, "skills" to EARN the funds. I detest begging by able bodied persons for their own benefit. Perhaps the Howard Dean Center should have ethics as part of its curriculum.

  2. I agree - I am tired of all these sites asking for donations for. If you EARN the money it will mean a whole lot more than just putting up a site or asking for checks.

  3. chuck gregory4/16/17, 2:21 PM

    Well, if people aren't proud of Springfield students doing better than all the other students in Vermont, there's no reason why they should express any appreciation for their excellent work. And of course if people don't care to let the world know that Vermont produces exceptional young people, that's another reason to be tight-fisted. We really shouldn't encourage our young people to aspire to anything more than just making it through high school. That was good enough for me! (full disclosure: it wasn't MY idea to go to college.)


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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