Sunday, August 27, 2017

Vt. hospitals worry over care costs

Three community hospitals on the Vermont side of the Upper Valley are raising concerns about cuts in reimbursements for the care of needy patients and also have not yet committed to participating in a major reform in how to pay for health care.    


  1. all hospital's charge to much,something needs to be done about them,non profit and charge way to much money,most of the time your just sitting there waiting to see ya,while half the staff is sitting around visiting

    1. Doc Adams on GunSmoke charged a dozen eggs for his service.
      Today the same idea should be used (excluding major stuff). Pay the doctor direct. He or she could have a price chart, Broken arm $750, Runny nose $50, Hang nail $75 get the idea.

    2. Gall bladder surgery; $25,000, 10 days in the hospital; $75,000, back surgery; $175,000, yeah, that'll work.

    3. For you this is free, the post said "excluding the major stuff".

  2. chuck gregory8/28/17, 8:27 PM

    Yup, them's costly. How about these figures, released by Green Mountain Care:
    Springfield Hospital Director, $548,385; Orthopedic Surgeon #1, $520,008; Orthopedic Surgeon #2, $553,659; and General Surgeon, $402,862? Where does this put the hospital's administrative costs relative to the cost of patient care?

    It would be interesting to compare administrative costs of Canadian health care with those of our insurance and provision systems. Tuesday at about 5 PM SAPA will be showing "The Health Care Movie," made for CNN about the Canadian system. Channel 10, but double-check the time. It was not listed on the program schedule last week. There will be a Q&A phone-in session following.

  3. A little research will show the "director" gets paid 0 as a director

    1. chuck gregory8/30/17, 7:31 PM

      How about some data from credible sources to back up your comment, 6:48? My source is the Green Mountain Care Board, now headed by Republican Kevin Mullin, and the data was submitted by the hospitals according to the laws in effect in Vermont.

  4. Spfld taxpayer- please do not confuse chuck with facts. His delusional, drug induced, "mind" is no longer able to comprehend reality.

  5. Don't worry 9:51 no one pays any attention to Chuck., except for the poor suffering motorist who never know when they will have that poorly marked bicycle dart out in front of them. It's a miracle he has not been hit, In fact many folks have complained to him about the poor visibility of that creepy little bike.

    1. chuck gregory8/31/17, 5:15 PM

      As I've often said, riding on a recumbent is like having unprotected sex: You know it might kill you, but it feels so good...

  6. Chuckie, perhaps if people practiced safe sex, Vt hospitals wouldn't have these worries over health care cost!? You just keep PEDDLING your liberal nonsense! And truly no one takes you seriously anymore.

    1. chuck gregory9/1/17, 7:42 PM

      "If you waste your time a-talkin' to/ The people who won't listen to/ The things you are sayin'/ Who do you think's gonna hear?/ And if you die explainin' how/ The things that they complain about/ Are things they could be changin'/ Who do you think's gonna care?" -- Kris Kristofferson


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