017-11-15 / Springfield Senior Center presents annual Christmas Bazaar fundraiser SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield Senior Center (SSC) will host its 2017 Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18 at the senior center at 139 Main St. Come join the Springfield Senior Center and get an early head start on holiday shopping and planning as they host their annual Christmas Bazaar, their largest fundraising event of the year. From the infamous Cookie Walk and vendors selling homemade items, to the food and luncheon tables, there will something for everyone. All money raised at the bazaar will go towards future entertainment and necessities for the Springfield Senior Center. The Springfield Senior Center is a drop-in location for anyone age 50 or older, offering several different classes and programs for all types of interests and activity levels, and does not charge membership fees. All activities are free of charge; the center appreciates all the support from community and members.

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