Three arrested on drug charges in Nashua January 22. 2018 9:49AM Arrested in Nashua on drug charges last week were, from left, Charles Nourse, Steven Perreault and Kaitlyn McGovern NASHUA - Two New Hampshire residents and one from Vermont were arrested last week and face drug charges, police said. The arrests were part of Operation Granite Shield. Charles Nourse, 40, of 328 Eureka Road, Springfield, Vt., was charged with possession of clonazepam, a felony. He was released on $10,000 personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned Feb. 8. Steven Perreault, 26, of 3 Kessler Farm Drive, was charged with two counts of sale of oxycodone and one of possession of oxycodone, all felonies. Perreault's bail was set at $50,000 cash. He was scheduled to be arraigned Monday. Kaityln McGovern, 24, of 25 Laval St., Manchester, was charged with possession of heroin, a felony. Bail for McGovern was set at $20,000 cash or surety. She was scheduled to be arraigned Monday.

How many more times will Chad Nourse be let off before doing actual time? Hopefully that he was busted in NH it'll be stricter. Somehow I doubt it.