Monday, February 19, 2018

Brandon Bennett JV Wrestling State Champion, others reach podium in recent tourney

Outstanding work by some of The Green Machine's young warriors who took to the mats recently for the Junior High/Junior Varsity State Championship.

The event took place this past Saturday at Spaulding High School in Barre.

Brandon Bennett took the gold medal in his weight class; Bryan Stafford stepped up to 4th place, while Gililan Guy and newcomer Tim Amsden each took 5th place on the podium.

Gillian Guy

Tim Amsden

Skylar Wallace
Skylar Wallace hit "the best takedowns I've seen all day," according to Coach Don Beebe. Also battling it out were Cole Wright and Laura Berlenbach.

Team photo, L to R back row: Coach Don Beebe, Gillian Guy, Skyler Congdon, Tim Amsden, Coach Floyd Buck Jr, Francis Stafford, Brandon Bennett, Skylar Wallace, Bryan Stafford; front row: John Stafford Jr, Mason Olney, Bradley Bennett    (Photos by Crystal Shaw)

Wrestling is going gangbusters in Springfield, Vermont! A whole weekend of grappling greatness is planned for early March. Special guest Erin Clodgo, three-time US Open champ and world-class wrestler.

1 comment :

  1. Great Job Brandon.... and the entire team from Springfield Vt.


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