This summer we’re excited to offer opportunities for you to learn. Wellness coaches Mallory Peterson and new coach Abbie Ladd have teamed up to bring you five wellness workshops. Held at the Springfield Food Coop, we’re offering topics such as how to read food labels, macronutrient balance, and healthy eating with kids. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your wealth of knowledge and start making changes towards a better you. Let’s explore this process more in detail and what it all means. These one-hour workshops will be held weekly at 5:30 p.m. and began June 27.
The first step in the “be well” process is the “why”? Without a why there is really no long term motivation to drive the success. Often goals are surface level. Lose weight, be fit, feel better, run faster, get stronger, sleep better…you get the idea. These are all really valuable outcomes, but lack the depth. What does stronger actually mean? What would be different if you lost 15 pounds instead of 20? By answering the “why” behind the “what,” you’ve determined whether or not there is intrinsic motivation. Without the really deep-rooted reason to accomplish the goal, there is a lower probability of a positive outcome.
Once the goals have been set and the whys have been answered, you’re ready for the next step…learn! When it comes to this important second step, you’re learning about your current habits. It may mean learning a bit more about yourself, past wins and failures, support, or tools necessary to be successful. The other part of learning may be more traditional. Reading about a topic, attending workshops, watching videos, or even trying new things. It’s only when there is enough information learned that we can start to move on to step three.
At step three we’re putting the reason and education into action. Applying does take a bit of finesse. Some of us have heard about SMART goals. Whenever it’s time to take action, creating a plan using SMART goals is imperative. Without the specifics and being realistic, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. This process to become well and live a healthy lifestyle means baby steps. After enough SMART goals have been accomplished you can experience what it feels like to really thrive.
There aren’t many moments in our adult lives that we really get that feeling of accomplishment. Reaching goals and living it can offer a tremendous boost in self-confidence and drive. While there may still be a few hiccups along the way, it’s important to recognize and celebrate both big and small successes. It’s a process, but more importantly, it’s a lifestyle. Let us help you learn about a healthy lifestyle with our Summer Wellness Workshop series. To register, contact Mallory Peterson at with questions or call us at 802-885-2568.

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