Friday, December 28, 2018

Springfield homeowner furious over sewage blockage incident

The resident whose Chester Road home suffered an incursion of sewage last week is accusing the town of not taking sufficient action against a nearby health center he believes is the ultimate cause of the blockage.


  1. Yennerell has also lied to me in the past so no surprise there.

  2. Mr. Yennerell's inability to tell the truth will soon be catching up with him.

  3. Sounds to me like we need another prison to be built so the town can get some more sewer pipe upgrades.

    1. Park Street school might work as a prison, made of brick. Perfect, close to downtown.

  4. Tom Tom needs to get off His own ass.

  5. I hope that both the Town and Genesis Healthcare both have liability policies that are up-to-date because it appears that someone is going to held accountable for this.


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