Tuesday, October 2, 2012

SHS Hall of Fame induction

Roberta Jean Stokes Smith, a graduate of the Springfield High School Class of 1947, was inducted into the SHS Alumni Hall of Fame recently.


  1. Curious, what's the criteria for induction and who chooses? How are those empowered to choose selected? What other hall of fame members does Ms. Smith join?

    1. Hey, what are you, nosey? You're in Sringfield now, get in line and shut up. In case you need some help let me clue you in

      Don't; post on the police facebook page, question authority, say anything bad about the school system, question those "reinventing" Springfield (which by the way seems to be happening, but I give more credit to the prison for that), expect to watch a high school football game, park "downtown" for more than 2 hours at a time.

      Do; pay you taxes on time.

  2. So.... Let me get this right.... A family decides they want to embellish their Mom's reputation so they fund a Hall of Fame for Springfield. Magically their mother is selected in the first round of selections along with a few other token recipients to make it look fair. I wonder who the selection committee could be.....This is so Springfield....will the future recipients also be members of the club?

    1. Who care's... you donate something and you are more than welsome to add your mother to the list as well. It's their money, they funded it. If I donate 40 million for a Fenway Park rebuild you know what I will name it, I will name it after myself.... Anonymous Park!

    2. Selection should always be decided upon merit not on who pays the most to get their relatives on a supposed merit listing.

    3. https://sites.google.com/a/ssdvt.org/alumnihof/

      please check this out. Yes, they started the Hall of Fame. Why should they not have their mother as the first.
      Other recipients, if you check the site, are names you might recognize. Yes, of course, they all graduated from SHS


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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