Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nominate Citizen of the Year

The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2015 Citizen and Organization of the Year.

Know someone who's been making a difference in the community? Thinking of a business or organization that always goes above and beyond? Show appreciation by nominating them for an Award of the Year!

Nominations are due by Monday, February 15th, 2016

Click Here for Citizen of the Year nomination form

Click Here for Organization of the Year nomination form

For more information, contact The Chamber:
802-885-2779 or


  1. Well Anonymous seems to know quite abit. I vote for Anonymous. (And that isn't me)

    1. Thank you for your support.

  2. I nominate Terrick Craft who has demonstrated being stupid does not exclude you from filing a frivolous lawsuit and looking even dumber. I am pretty sure there are no rules to prevent a felon from winning. After all there surely will be other felons nominated but they just haven't been caught and convicted yet.

    1. I 2nd the nomination of Mr. Craft. No other citizen has done more to publicize Springfield's well deserved image, improve community diversity and disprove stereotypes.


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